Frames for two…

“Spring’s Bounty”
“Tulip Glow”

“Spring’s Bounty” and “Tulip Glow” both got frames this weekend. I am fortunate to have a great friend who is happy to build frames for my art. I think she did a fantastic job. I think both paintings needed the rustic barn board look. Being a watercolor Spring’s Bounty is under anti glare glass. Don’t ask my husband how much that cost. Oops. Always get a price before ordering. Just saying. Both pieces are original and available for sale. You can see them and pricing in previous posts.

Artist Susan Feniak. If you want to contact me about my art please email I do not respond to scam or spam emails. I have gotten too many of those nasty emails. I am saddened by people who have nothing better to with their time than try to scam or cheat people out of their money and work.

New Watercolor “Spring’s Bounty”

“Spring’s Bounty”

New art! “Spring’s Bounty” A watercolor this time. This is big for me, especially when it comes to working with watercolors. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to create. I didn’t draw anything, I just started to paint. My first of a few mistakes was that I chose the wrong background color. With perseverance and an arsenal of supplies I ended up with this painting as the result. There is everything on there from gouache to Daniel Smith, QoR, Derwent watercolor pencils, watercolor crayons, salt, you name it. At one point I even had my oil pastels out. There came the classic moment, am I done or not? Maybe? I had a blast, especially splattering and playing with a hake brush. Hope it pleases your eye.

Artist Susan Feniak Watercolor on Strathmore 18″ x 24″ paper. Asking $250.00 plus shipping

If you want to contact Susan about her art please email

Thank you!

I would like to thank everyone for helping make 2019 a stellar year for me artistically. I had a lot of fun along the way. I am very thankful for your continued support with “likes” and kind comments. For those of you that liked my art enough to purchase it and hang it in your homes I am grateful. Here is hoping that 2020 is another creative year. With my sincerest wish that everyone has a happy healthy 2020. PEACE. Susan Feniak

To contact me

“Cardinal Wreath”

“Cardinal Wreath”. Artist Susan Feniak. Watercolor and ink on Arches paper. A Merry Christmas to me painting. A friend gave me the antique frame a year or two ago and it’s taken me this long to decide what I wanted to create to put in the frame. The end result has added to my Christmas decor nicely. A keeper!

To contact me

Oh Oh! The second time around.

“Oh Oh!” Artist Susan Feniak. This is the second time I have painted Oh Oh. Once again this was a special request and has all ready sold. The original version of Oh Oh was a greeting card. Too small for the buyer. Not to mention I wasn’t sure if I still had the card in my inventory. So a new and bigger one had to be created. No problem. It is up to me to keep my clients happy. And I do try very hard to keep everyone happy. I hope Oh Oh makes you smile too. Daniel Smith watercolors and ink on 9″ x 12″ Fabriano paper. Mat to 11″ Ɨ 14″


“Henry” has a “Henrietta”! I couldn’t bare to part with Henry. He is part of the menagerie that hangs on our livingroom wall. So when someone asked if they could purchase Henry I said that I would try to create another one. That’s the story behind Henrietta and how she arrived. There can be no two Henry’s. He is truly a one of a kind. I am pretty sure the person getting Henrietta will like her as much as we like Henry. Watercolor and ink on Fabriano paper. Susan Feniak

Sea Holly

I call this plant Sea Holly. I know it has a Latin name and there are several species. It reminds me of thistles that I have painted on several occasions. I love all the pointy jagged bits. Fun to paint and that is the main part of my adventures in art. Artist Susan Feniak. Daniel Smith watercolor and ink on 9″ x 12″ Strathmore Vision paper.

To contact me

Miss Dottie and Chad

Miss Dottie and Chad are here to wish everybody a hopping good Easter weekend. And so am I. Cheers Susan Feniak.

An experiment

This one was an experiment. I took a cue from an older Watercolor Artist magazine. Playing with looser brush strokes and different colors. The article was about painting a cat and techniques for painting fur. I couldn’t leave well enough alone and added a mouse. I named my version “Cat and Mouse Game”. Artist Susan Feniak. Daniel Smith watercolor and ink on Fabriano paper.

“Who’s There?”

Done, finished, complete. And I am happy with the end result. Anyone that knows me would also know I wouldn’t be happy until I finished this one. Cheers Susan.