December is a busy time

December is a busy time for everyone. This year I made almost 4 dozen Christmas cards. About 1/2 of them sold the rest were sent out to family and friends. Today we had our first major snow event of the season. That meant we needed to shovel snow off our houseboat. And of course what is December without a visit with the jolly old elf himself. And yes I have been good all year. No wish list involved. Just my hope that everyone stays safe and healthy this Christmas. Cheers Susan Feniak


The power was out for around six hours today. What does a girl do other then try to stay warm? She creates.

An experiment

This one was an experiment. I took a cue from an older Watercolor Artist magazine. Playing with looser brush strokes and different colors. The article was about painting a cat and techniques for painting fur. I couldn’t leave well enough alone and added a mouse. I named my version “Cat and Mouse Game”. Artist Susan Feniak. Daniel Smith watercolor and ink on Fabriano paper.

On Hiatus

Artist Susan Feniak is on hiatus. See you soon. Be safe and stay warm.

Ollie returns

“Ollie” has made a return visit. He has managed to make me smile again. Happy weird bird Wednesday. Cheers Susan.

“Where Old Boats Go”

Where do old boats really go? There are a few derelicts in every marina I am sure. Actually rather sad to see. Artist Susan Feniak. Watercolor and ink on paper.

Flamingo Love

Flamingo Love. Or Mother love? Did you know baby flamingos are white? Artist Susan Feniak. Windsor Newton Cotman Watercolors on Strathmore paper. I have time for art most days. Yay! I just don’t have internet or time to post what I create. Fall will most likely be catch up time for me. Especially here on WP.


I have donated my painting “When All The Leaves Are Gone” to the Eagle Valley Arts Council who will use it as a fund raiser. I hope someone will offer a high bid and give it a good home.

“Waiting At The Cannery”

Waiting At The Cannery. Artist Susan Feniak. Koi and Windsor Newton Cotman Water Colours on Strathmore paper. West coast inspired. Framed, varnished and ready for a good home.

Bike Basket

Bike basket flower display. Artist Susan Feniak. Koi and Windsor Newton Cotman Water Colours on Strathmore paper. It’s a flowery time of year!